Friday, January 27, 2006

Lacking the super powers

How do people do it? How do so many new moms blog so frequently? It baffles me!! When RSM, Miss Zoot, and Amalah (some of my most favorite bloggers) had their little ones, they blogged every day. I kept thinking… having a baby can’t be that hard then, can it? I can’t fathom how they’ve done it. I think they must just have super powers (or babies that sleep in cribs and whatnot). Even CC (whose little one is even younger than Aubrie) is managing to do it thanks to a Boppy pillow. With which comes super powers I tell you… super powers.

So now, I’m trying the “blog on word… then transfer over” type thing. That way, I can blog a sentence at a time. And you all can read my blog and say “darn… that makes no sense… it was like she was writing it one sentence at a time”. To which I say “yes… and with minimal sleep”.

And… I’m getting a cold. A COLD, darn it! I need a cold like I need a kick in the head. Fun times.

In other news… Aubrie’s yucky cord stump thingy fell off yesterday. That’s good times. Cuz those things are really quite gross you know! We’re pleased it dropped so soon.

Oh, and yes… the pic on her site says it all… Aubrie is now using pacifiers. The midwife (although she doesn’t recommend it) did say if we wanted to we could go for it now. Considering Aubrie uses me as the human pacifier, we thought we’d give it a shot. So far, so good on the paci.

And today marks day one of the attempt at cloth diapers. We’ve been putting it off for awhile now… but it’s finally time to give them a shot. We’ll see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

The only reason I can blog is b/c of the boppy - I'm telling you that thing is awesome! I think it's the cushiness that surrounds him, makes him think I'm holding him (b/c I let him fall asleep first and then it's paci in mouth, baby in the boppy).

And I think the blogging one sentence at a time is that way to go - do what you gotta do but keep blogging! :)

Randi said...

yes I agree with candace, do what you got to the updates on your little one! And yes the cord stump is very nasty, I'm glad Landon's came off too! Yuck.