Monday, July 24, 2006


Just a quick update as to where I've been...

My computer died. Apparently, it was recalled awhile back, but we never found out till it died just recently. So, much less blogging for awhile. I have Chris' computer... but it has that new fandangled Dvorak keyboard (all the keys are different), so it makes blogging (or anything really) quite frustrating.

Pair that with our crazy ridiculous heat wave, horrible current sleeping habits (possibly a result of the heat) and a very very fussy baby... I'm sure you get the picture... and I'm sure you'll all be patient while I take a little blogging world break.

Oh... but Varekai (Cirque du Soleil) was AMAZING!!!!! Made the whole week that much better. Plus, we found a new dining room table (more baby friendly than our old glass trendy one that is going to my brother and sister-in-law). So, there have been many good things this week.

I'll just keep reminding myself of that...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whenever I'm having a particularily bad day or week I alway remind myself to than God I'm not a Penguin. We could be making long trecks across the glacier several times a year. Or how about all those people trying to get out of Lebanon. Now that's having a bad week!!!!