Friday, September 23, 2005

Wow, I really miss them

Not that it surprises me... but it's sad. I really do miss my students, and the general student population in general. This morning I woke up to four, yay four, email messages for former students. Just saying "hi", or asking for help, or asking for old notes. Even when they are demanding, I still miss them. It almost makes me want to take the effort to get ready, hop in my car, drive the one hour to campus, and sit in my office (with little to do) hoping for a few to come by to chat. But then... gas is stupid expensive - I'm not that sentimental.

And so, again... it's almost 10, still haven't started PD work yet... but enjoying my email instead. Though, the lab manual draft is in, so I don't even have that much more to do now. Maybe this is a self-preservation move on my part. I stall every morning because I know that I have so little to do... when it's done, I'll have nothing to stall from. Yikes!

Oooh, and I love the fact that other bloggers admit to being clean freaks. And that yes... it can survive children. So all you people who keep telling me I will stop my maniacal cleaning upon the arrival of my precious child... I give you Rock Star Mommy.
Hehehehe.... still a self-professed clean freak!

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