Thursday, January 12, 2006


Well, still at home, no midwife here yet. We did call her (but held out till 6:30). She seemed to think it was early labor, but sent me for a soak in the tub, some gravol, and an attempt at sleep. The tub went terribly... I had two contractions and they hurt very badly! I did manage some sleep, but the contractions that woke me up out of my gravol stupor were tough ones. Now, I'm up, having a bite to eat, and the contractions are back to their sporadic selves. I'm really hoping they pick up so I know what's going on. It's the whole not knowing that sucks (oh... and the bad contractions aren't a picnic either!).

I'll stay updated as much as I can...


Anonymous said...

sounds like this could be it Cari...ohmygoodness, you could have your precious baby girl tonight!!

Elizabeth said...

haven't heard from you in a couple of days... you are in my thoughts and prayers