Well... nothing too serious, but just when things were starting to feel like they were getting into a rhythym we could manage (we're getting really good at dealing with fussy times now). I found out today that likely my milk supply is too low. We were so proud of little Aubrie for sleeping so well, and it turns out that we're probably not getting enough feeds in to keep my supply up to her demand. She gained a bit of weight, but not much. She's up to 7 lbs 4 oz (ideally, she'd be closer to 7 lbs 10 oz). So, now I go into pumping mode - not only do I have to do regular feedings, but in between I have to do "moo-cow feedings" (that's what I call them, cuz pumping makes you feel like a cow). Plus some herbal remedies, and waking more often for feedings. Hopefully it will get things going and we can continue with the breastfeeding. Her tummy has issues enough without having to introduce formula.
Aside from that, like I said... we're getting much more adept at dealing with fussy times, and they don't throw us as much as they used to. I actually find myself enjoying some of the fussy times. She sleeps pretty well at night (most nights... last night was not one of them). All in all, we can't complain. In fact, quite the opposite... every day, when we think we can't love her any more, somehow we manage to fit some more love in.
And that... deserves another pic...
Awwww...what a little sweet pea! Hope the milk thing works itself out quickly!
She's very very cute! I hope that the whole feedings work out for you! I'm not crazy about pumping either but I don't want my supply to mess up, formula is way to expensive. Good Luck!
I hope your milk situation improves. Until then, pump away! I'm pretty sure my milk is super milk - Conner has gained a pound in 10 days!
Love the picture - it's amazing how different they look even just a few weeks after giving birth.
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