She's saying "Oh please please God, let me sleep and not be fussy tonight". Actually, she's been pretty good through the nights. The first night in hospital was tough (lots of fussing, and I was by myself), but at home she's been pretty good. She feeds a lot, and is often awake, but is totally happy being awake and often just lays in her bassinet-type bed, or in our bed, and stares at things (especially us).
She's getting fussier and fussier in the day though. Usually sometime after noon... then doesn't let up till after dinner. Makes for tough afternoons. I'd rather that, though, than tough nights! We are holding up well regardless, and loving all the time with our little girl.
She had her first bath at home today (had one in the hospital). She wasn't too fond of it, but seemed to enjoy being clean afterwards. Definitely not something we want to be doing all the time though!
We're still "adjusting" to some sort of schedule (or lack-there-of), so I'm not sure how often I will update... but I will try for lots!
She is absolutely beautiful!
I love the picture - too funny (and cute)!
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