I keep getting asked by various people why I haven't had professional pics of Aubrie done. Well... several reasons. First of all, it's stressful as anything. It's hard enough making sure she's in a good mood for any outing, let alone an outing where she HAS to be happy because we've paid to get pictures of her happy. Not my idea of a fun day. Second, it's expensive. Third, they usually look ridiculously cheesy. And finally... when you've got a digital camera, you are bound to get a few great pics to savor...
Case in point...

Why can't I have eyelashes like that???
I'm with ya - we haven't done the prof. pics with Conner yet and we probably won't. My family keeps hounding us to but I don't see the need. We just got a nice digital camera that takes amazing pics so between us and our good friends that are photographers, I think we're all set. What a beautiful pic by the way - she's so precious.
That is the most beautiful baby in the world!!!! Why didn't you get those beautiful eye lashes - - blame your father - - it had nothing to do with me.
Oh what a beauty she is...watch out mom and dad when she's in highschool;)
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