Never ever say that baby is sleeping better. Inevitably, that will be the end of it! Aubrie was up 4 times last night. And, it took almost 2 hours to get her to sleep to begin with. It was a looooong night. There doesn't seem to be any reason for it, so that makes it a little frustrating. Plus, it's throwing any schedule we were starting to get into for a loop. This is starting to be the predominant trend of the last week or so. At least I'm starting to get used to it. It's always tough when things have been going really well and then you have a bad night. It's more just because you aren't used to the lack of sleep. Fingers crossed that this is just a quick little growth spurt.
I know I had more to blog about, but my mind just went blank. So, I'll leave you with a picture of Aubrie's new skill...
oh so cute!! Good job, Aubrie!
Wow...She sits up REALLY well! Good Job Aubrie:)
I have to giggle, I always assume saying it will jinx things too.
That is so cute, she is sitting up really well. Come visit my blog sometime! :0)
She is getting so big! THose sleepless night are no fun..but they DO pass ... they DO (just have remind myself of that too ) :)
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