Wednesday, May 17, 2006

No kidding...

Gotta love this conversation:

Mrs. Other New Mommy I'll Never Chat With Again: So... how long has Aubrie been rolling over for?

Me: Uhm... she's not

Mrs. ONMINCWA: Seriously, not even front to back?? (FYI - her baby is younger than Aubrie)

Me: Nope... nothing yet... maybe a little back to side action

Mrs. ONMINCWA: Wow, really?

Me: Yes, really.

Mrs. ONMINCWA: Have you taken her to the doctor yet?

WTF??? Seriously???? Sorry, but my baby is too busy teaching herself differential calculus to be worried about rolling (lol). How often do you roll on a daily basis (not counting in bed)? Is it that necessary a skill that it requires doctor's supervision? Can I help it if my little girl is more into problem solving and fine motor skills? I think that will be much more usefull in general life - but did I say that to other said mom - no!!! Nor did I say the many other things that ran through my mind at the time. Sheesh!!!!! (Grumble grumble grumble)

On another note... Aubrie measured in at 12 lbs 6 oz today, and a whopping 25 inches. Where she gets that height from is beyond me!!! And the four month shots - total cake-walk! Yay for baby tylenol!


Anonymous said...

Aubrie likes calculus? We're working with Conner to solve the time-space continuum. He's picking it up pretty quickly, but he's getting hung up on Einstein's field equation ;)

I can't stand these kinds of moms. I know one that's like that - she doesn't mean to be, but it's so disheartening. Who cares if Aubrie isn't rolling yet? Enjoy that she's not yet b/c once they do it makes things a little more tricky (traveling baby + slow-reflexed mommy = tears and frustration for both)

Randi said...

I feel ya! Landon is four months old and Not a SINGLE roll! Every baby is different. It's not a competion, but some gals think it is. She'll roll on her own time, just like Landon will on his time.