I'm sure she'll love it even more when she is able to manouever in it a little better (she's still a little floppy, and can't quite master the turning). She had a great time. I had just as much fun putting it together... I love putting together baby stuff! Yay!
What is it with new moms and non-fat vanilla lattes? Why is it that it seems that EVERY new mom chooses that as their drink of choice? Maybe it's just a west-coast thing. After the exercise class today, the Esquires Coffee Shop (conveniently located in the gym) was packed full of the new moms. We ALL ordered the same thing. So weird. I've noticed it elsewhere too. The only difference was that lots of moms also got sugar-free. What the heck? How is it syrup if it's sugar-free? What's the point?? Syrup = sugar... that's what makes it so darn good! They mistakenly gave me the sugar-free variety today. Let me tell you - sooooo not the same!
And ok... blech! What is with my internet connection these days. It just died, which means I'm going to have to copy and save this post, reboot the computer, log in again, and repost. I lose my silly connection all the time. Man... I hate wireless! The magical power is in the wire - take away the wire and chaos ensues.
And AAAHHH, car alarms - make them stop!!!!!!!!! (As Aubrie wakes up... this is turning into a frustrating evening!)
Wow look at that huge smile!! I'm so glad she likes it!! I love putting together baby toys and products too!
She looks halarious in that thing!
And I've never had a latte. Well, that's not true, I love chai-latte's, does that count? I'm not big on coffee, but I imagine if I were I'd be with the sugar-free crowd.
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