Hmmm, couldn't think of a good title today, as I'm not even sure what I have to say. Just thought I'd start blogging a bit to get the day started.
Speaking of which, it baffles me that it is now 9:30am, and if this was several weeks ago, I would be at work (already teaching) and having been at work for at least 2 1/2 hours. Here I am, today, having barely started my day at all. I just seems surreal that my days have changed so much already!
I'm trying not to whine as much these days. I feel like I kinda lost it over the whole positioning thing (see last post). It really threw me for a loop. My wonderful doula has made me feel better about it, and I know there is still hope. I just have to learn to let go, and know that I have minimal control over this, and chances are she will turn and all will work out anyways. Those that know me, know that I don't give up control very easily (haha, that's an understatement!!!!). I'm learning... slowly...
I spent a good 2 or 3 hours yesterday on my hands and knees, cleaning blinds. I'm hoping that it helps with the positioning... and I wanted to get those blinds cleaned anyways. I have 2 more sets of blinds I want to clean, so hopefully on Saturday I can get those done.
Today, I'm off to the office, because I just can't seem to give it up completely (well, I need to pick up my R.O.E., I have an excuse). And to get the car serviced (fun times). Still trying to keep as busy as I can. Luckily, it's working, as this week has passed by quite quickly.
Can you believe my due date is only 10 days away???? Tomorrow, I reach SINGLE DIGITS. Wow!!!!
And yay for hockey tonight.... go team Canada!!!!