A conglomeration of my less-than-witty ramblings of life as I transition from full time academic/college prof/obsesive work-a-holic to motherhood. This should be interesting...
Friday, November 24, 2006
My 10 month sweetheart
I love this new pic of Aubrie, taken a few days before her 10 month "birthday". Enjoy!
great blog! I am transitioning from motherhood into a motherhead realm also including academics (theirs and mine).. you see I have two teens, a husband, a dog, a cat, and a few law professors now all requiring me to be great.. stress is my middle name.. somehow I handle it...LOVE YOUR BLOG! take care :)
What a sweet photo. Happy 10 months!
great blog! I am transitioning from motherhood into a motherhead realm also including academics (theirs and mine).. you see I have two teens, a husband, a dog, a cat, and a few law professors now all requiring me to be great.. stress is my middle name.. somehow I handle it...LOVE YOUR BLOG! take care :)
thanks for visiting my blog today! have a great weekend...
ohmygosh Cari she's gotten so big! And she looks so much like your husband.
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