I tried to post yesterday, but blogger seems to have hit a glitch. My blogs were also a little screwy. Which reminds me... if you have trouble seeing my scrapping blog, it could be because you are using an old browser. Update your IE, or switch to Firefox (loooooove it... and it's free... and I am in no way affiliated with them... they just rock).
Ok, on to my post. Yesterday was my first full day with Aubrie by myself. Isn't that weird?? She's almost 9 months old! We've had the odd day here and there, but most of the time Chris is around (he was working from home before). Now, he's working at a new job (that he is VERY excited about), so we're on our own. Yesterday was actually quite nice. I got way more done than I had anticipated, which was fabulous. Aubrie's been very tired lately too, which helped (cuz she slept... a LOT). Today I woke up with a bit of dread though, as I'm doubtful she will be as easy as she was yesterday. But, hopefully it will all go well. I'm actually finding that it's easier to get things done now, as I have to find tricks to get everything done with her around.
BUT, she also manages to get into more trouble with just me around. So, off I run... before she swallows mouthfuls of the tissue paper she is currently playing with!
I leave you with a new pic. Isn't she adorable (I'm not biased or anything)!!!! Little boys, WATCH OUT!

I can see about a third of each project. Which is sad because I love step by step instructions. Own lots of stuff, for both scrapping and stamping, but have no creative imagination at all.
Hmmm... I thought I fixed that. I know it works in all recent versions of IE, as well as Firefox and Safari. What browser are you using? I will try a few more changes...
That picture is soo cute:) Yes you need to watch it when she's in highschool;) I agree with mozilla firefox, it does rock, it's all I will use!!
Ahhwww.. she sure is pretty :) You are so lucky to have had him around every day so far :) - well almost every day
she's a beauty!
wow...wishing pDaddy was around all that time with me and beans at home. i work from home and watch the beanster and would have LOVED some help for the first few months. actually, she's getting more mobile now, so maybe i need more help now than before.
ok, i'll shutup now...i love to ramble, just in case you haven't noticed.
She's so cute! I'd love to get her and Chaylyn together for a play-date.
out of curiousity, do you like the husband working from home better than out of the home?!?
mine is working from home and driving me crazy!
To answer "random_mommy"... I TOTALLY preferred having Chris at home! He never really got on my nerves at all. He was so much of a help, and even just having another person to talk to at any time was really nice.
It's taken some getting used to... but we're feeling pretty good about being home just the two of us now. I could see how if someone was used to not having hubby around, then he started working from home... that would be difficult.
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