So, for now, we're working hard on forcing sleep on her (which seems to be the biggest problem - she just doesn't ever want to sleep, and she pushes herself past her limit and has melt-downs), trying to get a schedule (yikes, emphasis on word "TRYING") as the nurse felt that she would be the type of baby that would thrive on a schedule, and just basically coping day by day. It sucks that we have had to put so much on hold (I would love to go out shopping and what not, even run some errands), but hopefully it'll only be a few more months and things will improve. Oh, and that was the down-side of the chat with the nurse - she says that because it's not really typical colic, it won't get better at 3 months. Yay for us!
Her final check up with the midwife was good. She's up to 9 lbs 14 oz. We're also attemting chiropractic care for her, to ensure it's not a back strain issue (common with newborns).
Aaah, but the smiles are so worth it. Although we haven't yet gotten a picture of her "big" smiles (she tends to like to move a lot when she smiles, so none of the pics have turned out yet), we do have some little smiles to share...

Awww, how cute is she???
Cari huge huge (((hugs))). I'm so sorry your precious baby is having a rough time adjusting to life outside the womb. One thing I read about children who are extremely fussy as babies generally turn out to be very passionate and caring people. I hope she gets better soon and I hope it doesn't take long for her to settle into a routine. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time :( You've been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be!!
She is precious! (((HUGS))) I hope things get better. My thoughts and prayers are with you...
I read your blog often and wanted to tell you Sophie was a bossy pants too. She finally settled down at about 4-5 months old. I too could do NOTHING without her screaming. The only way she would be quiet was to nurse. She never slept either. I would love to chat furthur about our babies as I so know what you are going through! If you have time email me.
Amanda (from PATTC Olympic Bders)
She is adorable. You see the sweet sweet picture, and it is hard to imagine her being *difficult*. I'm glad that you now know that it isn't you - just to reassure you. I hope that she starts to get into a schedule and settle down some. {{HUGS}} to you. Nat
she is sooooooo sweet!
I, as the others, am praying that she outgrows her fussiness soon for you.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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