First, my 29 week appt was last Monday. I'm now on to every 2 week visits (WOW). The big news (according to my midwife) was that our little girl is already head down. She's way ahead of the game. We're thinking it's cuz she's so incredibly BRILLIANT. It's like she knows the future. Trendy midwife says she will likely stay that way, as it takes a lot of effort for her now to move out of it. She may be brilliant, but she's also a little lazy. I have to label the midwives now, cuz there will be more. That's right... Trendy midwife decided she needed some help, so two new midwives will be around for my next visit. At first, I was quite sad about that, as it may mean that someone else delivers our baby. But, I've gotten used to it, and I will meet the new midwives many times, so I think I'll manage. I'll let ya know after I meet the next one in a week. Hopefully they aren't all as trendy as Trendy midwife, cuz then I'm gonna be stuck for names!!
I guess an appt deserves a pic too. All I've got right now is my 28 week pic, so you'll have to settle for that. I'll get some more done soon, with our new fabulous camera. Till then...

1 comment:
Hello snobmama,
I've found your blog and I quite enjoy it. I discovered in through a link, and then another link... anyhow,
I can sympathize with your thoughts about baby delivery by someone else. We were prepared for one thing and then ended up with another...delivering with an obstetrician and a billion other people and student nurses, as opposed to the quiet delivery we had dreamed of. My prayers are with you that your little girl keeps growing so well!
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