The weekend stress wore off quite quickly. After the stag (which went very well) and the shower (also went well... but TONS of left over food!!!!), we're back to the regular "excitement" in our household (well, lack-there-of, really).
I had a ton of fun planning the shower. Got to do lots of fun, crafty things, like this diaper cake...

Now, it's back to the crafty things I've been avoiding for a little while - the baby quilt. I've made good progress, but have stalled lately due to the never-ending guilt of not working enough on my PD projects. But, the PD projects are almost done... so I can spend a few hours a day quilting away.
In terms of my pregnancy symptoms, yesterday I got hit with what I'm sure was the worst headache/migraine I've EVER had (and I've had my fair share of headaches). Loss of vision, nausea, the pain radiated down my entire upper body. It was nasty. I was almost wishing early labor... that way, I would have something to take my mind off the headache. Go figure. But alas, way too early even for early labor.
I did take my first Tylenol since the infamous Tylenol-incident of first trimester. This time... it worked... and didn't cause any horrible side effects. Yay for drugs.
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