Everyone keeps telling us how much Aubrie has aged in the past few weeks. It's true... it's like she's aged 2 months in a matter of weeks. I think it's just something that clicked in her brain. All of a sudden she's in to totally different things, investigating objects differently, trying so many new things. It's like she understands things perfectly now. She will try to work her toys the way they are supposed to work (instead of just licking them), she tries to carry on conversations, she "calls" me whenever I leave the room (by "call", I mean AAAH AAH AAH AAAH at the top of her lungs). We have a little person on our hands now.
I'm sad to see the baby go... but so excited for what the next few months brings.
Ooh, and if you're wondering why I don't post many pics any more... this is why...